Jun 16, 2023Progress of InsightAs we practice Vipassana meditation we go through different stages in our practice. These reflect the growing faculties of Samadhi...
Oct 31, 2022Walking MeditationWalking meditation is a great complement to our sitting meditation practice. We can utilise walking meditation to balance the tendency for s
Oct 30, 2022How to get the most out of your courseVipassana meditation is a holistic endeavour. You are about to engage in a more intensive practice period, one where observing yourself is t
Oct 9, 2022The Five HindrancesThe 5 hindrances are a set of five mind-body phenomena that can occur during your Vipassana practice.
Feb 10, 2022What is Mindfulness?Mindfulness (Sati in Pali) is a way of being aware or attending our experience that facilitates insight and wisdom. It is the technique and
Jan 15, 2022The Five Preceptshe five precepts are rules for ethical conduct and represent morality, the foundation for the rest of our practice. The precepts are to be f
Jan 5, 2022Continuing the PracticeOver time, the practice bears fruit. I outline the most important principles.
Sep 30, 2021What is EquanimityEquanimity is a deep and subtle skill. Equanimity is an art fundamental for conscious living. It gives rise to emotional intelligence and se